Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Now!" Inbound #4 Bibliography

Due to space constraints, Inbound #4 could not include any of the stories' bibliographies. Here is the bibliography for the MCC story "Now!" as it would have appeared in the collection:

Brandt, Lauren and Judy Kertész. “History of the Indian College.”
History of American Civilization: Harvard University Site. 4 April 2005. History of American Civilization Department of Harvard University. 7/12/2009.

Faust, Drew. “Letter to the Community.” E-mail to all Harvard Affiliates. 24 Sept. 2008.

Faust, Drew. “Harvard and The Economy.” E-mail to all Harvard Affiliates. 10 Nov. 2008.

Faust, Drew. “Letter to the Community.” E-mail to all Harvard Affiliates. 18 Febr. 2009.

Faust, Drew and Marilyn Hausammann. “Important Workforce Announcement.” Email to Harvard Workforce List-serv. 23 June 2009.

The Harvard Living Wage Sit-Ins. Dir. by Maple Razsa and Pacho Velez. 2004.

Sacchetti, Maria. “Harvard's Faust Backs Path to Legal Residency.”
The Boston Globe. 21 May 2009.

Schlesinger, Andrew.
Veritas: Harvard College and the American Experience. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2005.

Smith, Michael. “A Message from Dean Smith.” Email to Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty and Staff. 11 May 2009.

Smith, Michael. “A Message from Dean Smith.” Email to Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty and Staff. 1 July 2009.

The figure of 1000 laid-off workers comes from the various campus unions, and is the number that they use when discussing lay-offs. The University has not released an official total for lay-offs, but they do put a number to each round. The union number includes not only the full-time union members that the University counts, but also people they do not, such as part-time and outsourced employees.

Special thanks to Cathy and Joel, who provided valuable feedback and reality checks for this project.

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