Thursday, May 14, 2009

The MCC Is Coming!

Hey All,

We just got the proof today, and it looks great. The MCC will soon be at comics stores and available online.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

MCC Preview

Here's a small sample of what to expect from the MCC.

My friend Andrew drew the speech bubbles for this alternate version. Unfortunately, it does not appear in the First Transmission, but hopefully will see publication in some other capacity. I feel like the two work really well together.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Minimalist Comics Collective Goes to the Presses

The First Transmission of the Minimalist Comics Collective has gone to the presses. This comics anthology features the work of Agnes Anger, Abel Jimenez, and Ché Salazar. Images to come soon, and sorry for the long delay in communication. I was writing my honors thesis, and Joe has had plenty of projects keeping him busy. Things are moving at DIY Jet. Get excited.